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David Tiede
Deputy Director 

David M. Tiede is a Distinguished Argonne Fellow in the Chemical Sciences & Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory and former leader of the Solar Energy Conversion Group. His research interests include investigation of fundamental mechanisms for solar energy conversion in natural and artificial photosynthesis, water-splitting, CO2 capture and conversion, and fuels catalysis with a particular focus on the tracking of structure and structural dynamics associated with light and electrochemically driven chemical energy conversion using X-ray spectroscopy and scattering at synchrotron light sources. Tiede earned his doctorate in biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. He was an NIH Post-doctoral National Research Service Award recipient at U. Pennsylvania and a National Science Foundation US-France Exchange of Scientists Award and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Fellowship recipient for postdoctoral work in the Photosynthesis Group in Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay (now CEA Paris-Saclay) before joining Argonne as a staff scientist.

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